Funeral pre-planning and pre-paying provides you and your loved ones with inner peace, assures your funeral will be done your way, and saves you money

Funeral Pre-Planning Provides Inner Peace
Most people who have experienced the emotional stress of arranging a funeral soon after losing a loved one make the personal choice to preplan their own funeral. By doing this, the burden is lifted from the family member who would otherwise be planning their funeral upon their death and relieves the intense decision-making pressure at a time of emotional stress and grief.
Because there are no time constraints for funeral pre-planning, you have as long as you need to consider all of your options and make sure all necessary details are covered. You also assure that your funeral will be carried out according to your wishes, and not by what your loved ones think you would have wanted at the time of your passing
Your Funeral, YOUR Way
Making cremation or burial arrangements can be a very personal and intimate process. Preplanning affords you with the time needed to make practical, detailed decisions with a sound mind. Most times these decisions reflect your budget, religion, lifestyle and standards. At Bateman-Allen Funeral Home, we assure you and your family that the choices you make will be properly executed exactly as you planned. Thousands of people decide to preplan and prepay their funeral each year and these plans are designed to be flexible to accommodate the many changes that often occur in people’s lives.
Lower Costs
You will be well informed on the total cost of your funeral as you finalize your prearrangement plans. While you are not obligated to set aside funds for your plan, it is highly recommended that you do.
Ultimately, you end up saving money because you are paying today’s rates for the funeral, and not the rates that will be in place at the time of need. When you prepay, Bateman-Allen Funeral Home places the funds in a, Future Interment Master Trust where interest is earned until it is needed. This assures that even if the cost of the funeral goes up, the funds are there to pay for it because of that interest.
You and your loved ones would not need to pay anything additional for what you have preplanned. Inflation and price changes are no longer your concern. It is important to note, however, that miscellaneous fees or cash advances, such as newspaper death notices, floral arrangements and cemetery plots, cannot be guaranteed since they are not billed by the funeral home. Bateman-Allen Funeral Home can discuss a payment plan if that suits your needs—however a one time single payment is preferred.
Paying at the time of pre-planning also relieves your survivors of the stress of second guessing if they have spent too much or too little on your funeral. Preplanning and prepaying your funeral are one of the most thoughtful, final gifts you can give to your family. Bateman-Allen Funeral Home prides itself in keeping very accurate records of your preplanned arrangements and any prepayments that have been made. If you decide to preplan and prepay, you may contact us at any time to review your selections and make changes if you so choose.
If you would like to learn more about funeral pre-planning or are ready to make an appointment, you may fill out the form. You may also contact Bateman-Allen Funeral Home by calling 610-876-5237 to talk and/or schedule a time to meet with Charles or Eve to discuss your options and make a plan.